Kinsella’s Simply Organics can now offering Pasture raised Grass-Fed Beef. Pork and Chicken raised with no hormones, no antibiotics. GMO-Free from Norcini &Co Butchery and Deli. All orders are placed and paid for, one week prior and picked up the following week.

Package #1 Includes: Beef Share

Primary Steaks x 4-12oz each
Secondary Steaks x 3- 12oz
Roast x 3lb
Braising Cut x 3lb
Ground Beef 8 x 1lb
Beef Sausage 2 x 1lb
Beef Stock 4 x 1L

Tallow 500 mL

Package #2 Includes: Pork Share


Bone-In Chops x 6
Ground Pork 4 x 1LB
Tenderloin x 2, Roast x 3LB
Italian Sausage x 6
Honey Garlic Sausage x 6
Ribs x 2 Racks, Bacon 3 x 1LB

Package 3 Includes: Chicken Share

ABF $110.00 or Organic $135.00

Whole x 1
Spatchcock x 1
Breast x 4
Whole Legs x 2
Drums x 4
Thights x 4
Wings x 12
Skewers x 1Pkg

For more information please call or text 289-696-7178

If there is something else that you want please contact me.

Dinner Packages $80.00

Family deal #1

 4- pieces chicken breast

 4-piece pork chop

 2- pounds ground beef

 4- packs Italian sausage

 4- pack 6 ounce burger.

 Family deal # 2

4- 8 ounce beef sirloin

6-pieces pork butt chop

10 -piece marinated chicken drumsticks

4 - pack 6 ounce burger .

Suckling Available 20-100 LBS

Call for details and pricing,